Haley Outvoted in Nevada Primary, Trailing ‘None of These Candidates’

Haley Outvoted in Nevada Primary, Trailing ‘None of These Candidates’

According to the Associated Press, Nikki Haley was outvoted Tuesday in Nevada’s Republican presidential primary with the “none of these candidates” option, an embarrassment in a contest in which she faced no direct competition. The primary, which does not award delegates, appeared to be a foregone conclusion since former President Donald J. Trump decided not…

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Nikki Haley campaign raised $17 million, has $14 million in the bank

Nikki Haley campaign raised $17 million, has $14 million in the bank

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley speaks during her New Hampshire presidential election night rally in Concord, New Hampshire, U.S., January 23, 2024. Faith Ninivaggi | Reuters Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s campaign for president raised more than $17 million in the most recent quarter and entered the…

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